Metaphor for my services
The Coach takes a walk through a field with a Client. The client chooses the path and the coach follows the client’s lead, being curious about the client’s way of walking and the emotions expressed during the walk through the body and the client’s language. The coach asks questions and/or makes observations based on what curiosity suggests might serve to offer the client.
PURPOSE: The Coach supports a client in discovering a new awareness or possibility.
The mentor takes a walk through a field with a coach. The mentor knows the way and shares what is observed about the way the coach walks with the client and what else might be offered to the client. The coach discovers what might serve to practice in order to be more effective with this and any other client.
PURPOSE: The Mentor supports the Coach in looking at what is happening, or not, within their coaching.
Both Supervisor and Coach are on a plateau looking out over the field. Together they observe what is in the field below… the growing plants, the farmer on a tractor, that horse over there, and maybe the trees on the edge of the field. The Supervisor and the Coach zoom in on whatever brings curiosity. Together they have a conversation to explore what either one has zoomed in upon. Both the Supervisor and the Coach share freely. The Supervisor includes coaching as a way of supporting both in discovering more.
PURPOSE: The Supervisor supports the Coach in an awareness of self, a client, the client’s situation… all the systems in the Coach’s work with one or more clients. Both zoom in on whatever they each want to observe more carefully.
Speaking/Consulting Services
I have presented around the world in venues that have included international conferences and seminars in South Africa, Brazil, and across the United States, as well as tele-seminars for participants in Asia, Europe and North America. My presentations are interactive with participants learning practices and/or receiving laser coaching.
In addition, I speak with groups and organizations on the topics of “Learning How to Learn,” “Application of the Latest Brain/Body Research to Our Lives,” “How to Access the Wisdom from Within the Body through Movement” and various topics on “Being an Effective Ontological Coach” as well as topics from her book: 5 Life Energies: The Choice You Have in How Energy Shapes Your Life. My presentations include other tools and products, including JICT IMAGES: Journey with Intuition & Creativity for Transformation.
As a consultant, I have supported organizations in applying what I have shared in my presentations. Two decades of experience as an educational administrator provide an understanding of how organizations operate and how to support them in reaching their goals. I am available to provide ongoing training in my areas of expertise, including application of the brain/body research, the connection of the brain, body, and emotions, how to access the wisdom that lies within the body, the value of using images as metaphors to support members of a team in having conversations that get to “the heart of the matter”